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One challenge when creating Dockerized apps is:

How do you create images that retain their immutability while remaining configurable across environments?

The solution I like to propose is based on the following key ideas:

:bulb: Dockerized apps are artifacts just like the application artifact packaged within them.

For your application’s artifact (e.g. petclinic.jar) you would use strategies such as build-once-deploy-anywhere. This means you avoid building the application more than once and deploy the same artifact across environments.

You need to treat Docker images as artifacts as well - they need to built only once.

:bulb: Configuration forms the “mutable” part of a Docker image.

The app packaging, JRE version, libraries and other dependencies form the “immutable” aspect of a Docker image. The mutable component is the configuration.

  1. We would create one Docker Image for our sample application, but externalize its configuration.
